Privacy Policy

Thank you for using our service. This document is to inform you about our processing of personal data.

Stationsplein 91
5211BM 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands

Questions Related to Data Protection and Exercising your Rights

For questions regarding data protection or for exercising the data protection rights to which you are entitled, please use the above contact details.

In which cases will we process personal data

We will process personal data which you transfer to us actively by your entries. Additionally, we will process personal data in an automated way, based on the use of our service. Particularly in the cases stated below your personal data may be processed. Visiting our website; Contacting other users or us; Analyzes of the users‘ motivations for visiting our website and how they use it; Analyzes of our advertising measures‘ success; Defense against attacks on our technical infrastructure; For details, please refer to the following explanations.

Visiting our Website

As soon as you visit our website, the company we have entrusted with the website’s operation will store the public IP address of the computer you are using to visit our website. This includes the access date and time. The IP address is a unique numeric address, through which your computer sends and receives data via the internet. Usually, neither we nor our service provider will know whom the IP address belongs to, unless you provide us with any data permitting us to identify you while using our website. Also, a user can be identified if we take legal action (in cases of cyber-attacks on our website, for instance) and are informed of the user’s identity during the process of investigation. So as a general rule, you will not have to worry we will be able to draw a connection between you and your IP address.

Our service provider is using the IP address to enable you to visit and use our website, and to discover and prevent attacks on our websites. Unfortunately, websites are attacked frequently, in order to harm the operators and users (for example blocking the access, spying on data, distributing malware like viruses or other illegal purposes). Such attacks would adversely affect our website’s intended use as well as the security of our website’s visitors. The IP address, along with the visit’s time, is being processed to prevent such attacks and potential dangers resulting from them for ourselves and for our website’s users. Via our service provider we are pursuing the justified interests of maintaining our business operations as well as of preventing unlawful interference affecting ourselves or our website’s visitors. The legal basis of this processing activity is article 6 paragraph 1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The stored IP data will be deleted by de-personalization, provided they are no longer necessary for the purpose of identifying or preventing attacks.

Ways of Contact

Whenever you contact us via one of the ways of contact provided, we will make use of the data provided by you to process your inquiry. The legal basis for this is our justified interest in replying to your request according to article 6 paragraph 1 f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If your request is serving the purpose of concluding or processing a contract with us, the additional basis of the processing activity is article 6 paragraph 1 b of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The data will be deleted after your request has been completed. In cases in which we are obligated by law to store the data for a longer period, they will be deleted after the expiry of this period.

Use of Cookies and Comparable Technologies

For our website’s operation we are using cookies comparable technologies (local storage, pixel tags, tracking pixels and other identifiers) to understand how visitors use our website and to store pre-settings users have made in their browsers. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your computer through your browser when you visit our website. If you re-access our website later, we will be able to read the cookies on your browser again. Cookies are stored for different periods of time. You can adapt the settings in your browser, regarding to which cookies it is to accept, at any time, but this may result in our website not working properly. Additionally, you can delete cookies independently at any time. If you don’t do this, we can indicate for how long a cookie is to be stored on your computer during the process of saving. There is a difference between so-called session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies will be deleted by your browser when you leave the website or when you quit the browser. Permanent cookies will remain stored for the period of time we have set in the process of saving.

We are using cookies for the purposes stated below: Technically necessary cookies, which are indispensable for the use of our website’s functions (for example to identify whether you have logged in). Certain functionalities could not be provided without these cookies. Functional cookies that are being used to technically process certain functionalities, which you would like to use. We are also using such cookies to personalize the website for you. Analyzing cookies serving the purpose of analyzing user behavior. For details please read the information under the heading “Evaluations”. Cookies of third party providers. Cookies of third party providers are stored by third parties, whose functionalities we are integrating into our website, in order to enable certain functionalities. They can also be used to analyze user behavior. For details please read the information under the heading “Evaluations”.

Most of the browsers employed by our users permit their settings to be adapted, concerning which cookies are to be saved. They also permit to delete (specific) cookies. If you are restricting cookies to be saved on specific websites, or if you are declining cookies from third party websites, you might not be able to make use of our website in its full extent. Below please find some information concerning how to adapt the cookie settings with the most frequently used browsers:


Service providers we have engaged are creating personal evaluations for us, concerning the way how certain groups of users access our website and how they use it. To do this, general data are used, such as local origin, the browser used, the website via which users came to us and which search keywords may have been used to find our website. Additionally, there will be evaluations about how our website is being used, the frequency and periods of time certain sites are being accessed, as well as which functionalities of the website are used and in which way. These data help us improve our understanding about how users find our website, in order to improve search engine optimization and advertising measures. Additionally, the data improve our understanding about how users make use of our website and which functionalities are the most interesting to them. This will enable us to improve these functionalities‘ usability and to enhance functionalities we consider of interest for our users. The legal basis of this processing activity is article 6 paragraph 1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If you do not wish this to be done, please install a so-called extension to prevent such evaluations in your browser. Two well-known tools are Ghostery and uBlock Origin. Below please find some information concerning how to adapt the cookie settings with the most frequently used browsers:


We will send you send you e-mails containing messages from other users as well as information about the use of our service. The legal basis of this processing activity is article 6 paragraph 1 b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To send these emails, we make use of an external service provider, to whom we will forward your personal data to the necessary extent.

You can unsubscribe from these messages at any time. You will find a corresponding link at the end of each e-mail.

Right of Access

According to article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have the right to demand a confirmation from our side, stating whether we are processing personal data concerning you. If that is the case, you are entitled to intelligence about these personal data and to further information, as stated in article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Right to Rectify

According to article 16 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you are entitled to demand of us to rectify any incorrect personal data concerning you with no delay. With regard to the processing purposes you are also entitled to demand incomplete personal data to be completed – also by an additional statement.

Right to Erasure

You have the right to demand of us to delete your personal data with no delay. We are obligated to delete any personal data immediately, if the relevant conditions according to article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are met. For details, we would like to refer you to article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Right to Restrict the Processing

According to article 18 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you are entitled to demand of us to limit the processing of your personal data, provided certain pre-conditions are met.

Right of Data Portability

According to article 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you are entitled to receive your personal data you have provided to us in a structured, established and machine-readable format. You are also entitled to transfer the data to another responsible party without any hinderance from our side, provided the processing is based on any agreement based on article 6 paragraph 1 letter a, or article 9 paragraph 2 letter a, or on a contract according to article 6 paragraph 1 letter b, and the transfer is done via automated tools.

Right to Object

According to article 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you are entitled to object against your personal data’s processing based on article 6 paragraph e or f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This does also apply for profiling based on these regulations. If we are processing your personal data for direct advertisement, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the use of such advertisement at any time. This does also apply to profiling, if it is connected to such advertisement.

If you would like to exercise any of the rights you are entitled to, please contact us as the responsible party via the contact data given above, or use any of the other ways of contact provided to notify us. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us.

Existence of a Right of Appeal to the Supervisory Authority

According to article 77 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you are entitled to the right of appeal to the supervisory authority without prejudice to any wider administrative or judicial remedy. This right applies particularly within the member state of your abode, of your working place or of the suspected contravention, if you consider the processing of your personal data to be a violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).